AHS - An Environmentally Friendly Business

The environment is important to Animal Hospital of Statesville, too! We are making every effort to be good stewards of our planet’s natural resources, be good neighbors in our community, and to be more responsible to the people and animals we care so much about.  Here are some of the ways we as a practice are making efforts to contribute to a cleaner environment:

  • EMR – Electronic Medical Records to reduce use of paper
  • Digital x-rays
  • Digital dental x-rays
  • Energy efficient appliances and follow guidelines for energy efficient uses
  • Paperless reminder system ,along with Pet Portal, reducing in-house printed reminder cards by 100%
  • Using liquid cleaners and solvents that are natural and environmentally safe when possible
  • Recycling all recyclable products – cans, plastic, paper, cardboard
  • Donating all outdated computers and any parts to local schools or civic organizations if in good condition and able to do so
  • Recycle used printer ink cartridges 

How our building was designed to be more “green friendly”: 

  • Oasis bottle-less water system that uses recycled filters
  • Rheem-Rudd Advantage Plus Gas Water Heater with 95% thermal efficiency
  • Installed window tinting on all south-facing windows to reduce energy usage
  • All lighting upgraded to electronic ballasts with T8 high-efficiency lightbulbs
  • Installed a track art lighting system in lobby that uses energy saving LED bulbs
  • HVAC system uses 3-phase power, which uses less electricity. 
  • HVAC system is on a maintenance schedule to make sure they are working efficiently. 
  • Duct systems are sealed to prevent any air leaks in the attic. 
  • All systems are set up to provide fresh air into the building to improve air quality. 
  • Programmable thermostats automatically regulate the temperatures in the building. 
  • Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV) tied into the kennel unit to allow fresh air to be brought into the kennel to improve the indoor air quality and remove odors help in a way that eliminates energy loss.